(608) 423-3900


Do you simply want to make a donation rather than joining the Friends?  You can donate safely and securely online by using a PayPal account, a debit card, or a credit card. You can also donate directly at the library.

Do you also want to be a volunteer

There are many ways to help by giving of your time or talents. Please indicate your interests when completing your donation.

  • Donate to Bake sales and Raffles held in conjunction with other events
  • Art and Craft Sale
  • Book Sale
  • Help at the library such as shelving or helping to maintain the order of material

Donate by PayPal, debit card, or credit card

Upon clicking the Donate button below you will be redirected to PayPal where you enter your donation amount and choose whether to use your PayPal account or a debit or credit card.

When choosing to use PayPal your contact details will be populated from your PayPal account profile.  When choosing debit or credit card you will need to enter your contact information and card details.  Both methods involve sharing your contact information with us.

We value your privacy and will not share your email or contact information with anyone. Please know we use them only to acknowledge your tax deductible donation.

After selecting your payment method, please indicate “Donation” in the “Write a note (Optional)” area displayed below your amount.


Donate by check

Your check should be made out to “The Friends of the Cambridge Community Library”

And dropped off at:

101 Spring Water Alley
Cambridge, WI 53523


Or mailed to:

Friends of the Library
P.O. Box 490
Cambridge, WI 53523

Call the library with any questions at (608) 423-3900